Flush Access Panels – Why There is Value in Reducing Access Panel Visibility

Flush Access Panels – Why There is Value in Reducing Access Panel Visibility

Flush Access Panels – Why There is Value in Reducing Access Panel Visibility 150 150 gcproductsinc

GC Products creates some of the world’s best access panels – access panels that sit so flush against the property, you are very unlikely to notice them at all unless you are looking for them. Made of GFRG, these access panels can also be finished to look identical to the rest of the property, helping make it even less likely that someone will be able to see them.

But why is it so important to have flush access panels?

More Than Aesthetics – Flush Access Panels are Functional

The primary reason that architects prefer to have flush access panels is aesthetics. If you’ve designed an entire property to look stunning and captivating, the last thing you want is to see that design ruined by an access panel that is too easily visible or might potentially distract those on the property from the designs. Since access panels only rarely need to be accessed, there is no functional reason for them to be visible.

But there are other reasons you may want flush access panels as well. These include:

  • Easier to Clean – Air flow through the openings within an access panel tend to draw in dirt and debris. Flush access panels tend to be much easier to clean.
  • Finishing – Our GFRG flush access panels can be finished according to your preferences and your designs. That allows them to blend in even more with your décor.

Flush access panels are typically made with gypsum, the same material as drywall. As a result, they also have all the benefits of drywall, from mold resistance to light weight installation. All of these are advantages that you receive that are not always possible with other access panel types.

Custom and Standard Access Panels at GC Products

GC Products creates some of the best flush access panels on the market, available with some ready to order sizes and with the ability to create custom sized access panels as needed. If you would like to learn more about our flush access panels, please contact us today to start your order.

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