Reducing Costly Labor and Rising Materials
Light Coves
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GFRG Solutions for Complex Architectural Designs
“With rising material costs and nationwide labor shortages, contractors are looking for more efficient ways to build. One solution is premanufactured Glass Fiber Reinforced Gypsum (GFRG) systems. Using GFRG, contractors can supply complex architectural designs without complicated framing systems or highly specialized labor.”
GC Products, Inc. specializes in creating GFRG and GFRC solutions for difficult architectural designs. Utilizing state of the art technology, including 3-D modeling, BIM, CAD and CNC tooling, we are able to deliver premanufactured architectural features that will save contractors installation time and material costs.
At the San Francisco Museum of Modern Arts, GC Products partnered with RFJ Meiswinkel to provide a complex ceiling system that met the high architectural standards. We were able to incorporate panel customizations including hinged access doors, light coves and reflectors, drop down screens, light fixture penetrations and speaker cut outs that ensured the installation when smoothly and quickly.
Often plans call for difficult architectural designs to be framed, drywalled or plastered, taped and finished. At GC Products, we can value engineer the project to premanufacture GFRG parts that achieve the architectural design at a fraction of the time and cost. You won’t need highly specialized labor to produce high end architectural ceilings, radius soffits, complex wall features and precise light coves.
We can simplify the installation, minimizing the amount of time and man hours needed to complete the project. When you see a challenging architectural design, contact GC Products to deliver solutions on time and under budget.
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